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P(eople) CM 2016 and 2017

In 2016, the P(eople)CM project came about under the Simplex+ 2016 state programme.

The aim was to develop and implement a new style of managing human resources, attentive to the public sector’s specificities and focused on innovation, appreciating people, and optimising resources.

To this end, the Human Resources Department (DSRH) set up a working group that crossed all areas and reflected on, proposed, and implemented measures and projects in this scope.

The project featured 4 measures:

  1. Dematerialising procedures on requests made to the HR Department by the cabinets, bodies, and workers;
  2. Making available information on HR on ministerial cabinets;
  3. Benchmarking wage processing with counterpart departments;
  4. Analysing the HR Department’s main activities using metrics and monitoring.

For more information, please refer to “P(eople)CM 2016”.


P(eople) CM 2016
PDF Consult File size (216.4 KB)

The project continued in 2017 and featured 3 initiatives:

  1. A feasibility study to procure human resource management software;
  2. Launching a programme to attract and manage high performers and talent;
  3. Continuing the work of standardising and systematising opinions on HR for ministerial cabinets.

For more information, please refer to “P(eople)CM 2017”.


P(eople) CM 2017
PDF Consult File size (213.3 KB)

Last update: 15 de November, 2023